Can’t paint =_=
Wow… I’m trying to paint and I can’t. I’m really fidgety and actually worried about my interview tomorrow. =_= I need to […]
Wow… I’m trying to paint and I can’t. I’m really fidgety and actually worried about my interview tomorrow. =_= I need to […]
My second care package. yea yea!! Hiyai ne~. Sorry it’s not arranged or anything. It took me an hour and a half […]
Tony said my second care package from Japan is coming. It’s a big package apparently. Tony was complaining about the shipping price. […]
ARGH! The reason I went to Michaels to buy new brushes and stuff was because I needed to pick up a specific […]
Thanks so much for the tip Frost. That’s all I needed was to move that to the html tag. 😀
Clipped from Julie’s email: What is ironic is that they have those little bubble machines in all of the computer stores…i guess […]
Tony emailed me saying that he and Julie are out gachapon shopping. He said he’s taking requests so I let him know […]
Lots of goodies! 4 thingies from Re-ment and other goodies. XD *dances* I have such a good big brother *huggles Tony and […]
V-V-V!!! VICTOLY!!!! v^o^ Tony and Julie (my brother and his girlfriend living in Japan) emailed me saying they sent a care package […]