Dolls / Ramblings & Musings / Super Dollfie

We wants precious!

Suddenly I am wide awake and wanting to post. So ya’ll can bare with me or just skip this midnight blathering. XD

Mini SD! Well… I was going to buy a mini SD from a friend but decided it’s best if she threw it on eBay instead. I was going to get a round eyed mini. I think their eyes are really cute, but the non-existant nose and lips bug the crap outta me so I never felt compelled to buy one right away. It was more or less one of those, ‘if I get around to it’ deals. So now that I don’t have a girl mini coming, I was hoping to perhaps wait until I find one I liked, perhaps in the future. Well EVIL EVIL Marta showed me the Dream of Doll website. I think I have found my mini girl candidate.


I want a Pitts!! She is cute as all heck with her round eyes and round nose. She looks like Miwako from Paradise Kiss! Schweet!!

So now my dilemma is how to get her. I will work on that when I actually have purchasing money. But for now, she’s a drool poster child. If I get her, she’ll be all fluff and stuff with ribbons and bows. I’ve always wanted a super duper girly mini. *dies* I’m actually excited about this one. yay!



October 7, 2003