Dolls / Listen to my music / Ramblings & Musings

Nattie + sharp object = abunai

I finally went back to Michaels to buy the paints that I forgot to get last time, along with some wood for making more doll furniture. When I was browsing, I found the x-acto knife display. I ended up buying a woodcarving x-acto (the thing looks like a sickle and it doesn’t come with a safety cap???) and a new super grippy x-acto with a nice ergonomic rubber handle so it won’t slip.

I’m not feeling well lately. I think I’m either coming down with something or I’m having severe sinus problems. But I’ve been dizzy and lethargic feeling and have spent most of the day sleeping, overheating and going back to sleep again. So I haven’t been able to sit down and paint using my new paints, or go to work on some more furniture.

But. For some stupid reason I feel obligated to use my new x-actos. Like… NOW. So I’ve been separating all my dollfie’s fingers and cleaning their seams up with my new knife. I don’t know why I feel so compelled to wield this shiny blade but boy oh boy, does it cut like a hot knife through buttah. Every time I see the knife sitting by my computer, I gotta start cutting something. Hahahaha. It’s my shiny new pet.

No dollfie is safe.

Tony also has been shopping like a maniac for me. Woo! What a good brother. 🙂 He says he’s almost ready to send more stuff out to me. Yay! He did send me this song though. I like it. Especially how the beat speeds up for a split second. It’s weird.
Tony wants me to go to Japan for Christmas vacation. Could it be that he actually misses his little sister? Nah. More like he wants to save himself some shipping money. “Here take all this crap back with you.” But we shall see.


Pretty boy is back!

September 30, 2003

LA technical difficulties

October 1, 2003