Dolls / Goodies / Video Games

Gotta be outta yo mind!

It’s amazing to me that I have something to post about almost daily in this doll blog. It’s so funny because I don’t consider dolls a consuming part of my life… But yesterday for example… I got a little bit of spending money… heh heh. So Tony and I decide to go shopping for PSOe1&2 goods and somehow, I come home with a bunch of stuff for my dolls =_=;; Yeesh.

Even Tony’s getting into it. We were at the gas station and Tony pops into the car after he paid and he gives me this little keychain with this fuzzy cat wanna-be thing hanging on it and he said “I gotcha something for your dolls”. Hehehehe. He said it was for my elves. 😀

I don’t spend big wads of cash on my dolls. But a little here and a little there add up eventually I guess. I don’t have enough room to store all the stuff I’ve been collecting. As for what I purchased, well, hopefully tomorrow it’ll be sunny and I can take pictures (before the other brother comes home from Israel).


Bored while studying

October 22, 2002

Stop talking to me!!

October 28, 2002