1/6th Scale / Dolls / For Sale Go me! *does Ulala high kick dance* Yay he’s up! Crappy pics but I dun care! I neeeeed the money! GO SEE THE AUCTION!
1/6th Scale / Dolls October 24, 2003 21 years *softly plays Taps* *dries eyes with black lace handkerchef* O~oh freaky finger Go Guy!! The horror that was brought down upon you! Yea, well I […]
Dolls / Friends October 20, 2003 21 years Aminal dolls! Wow. Everyone’s making kitty and animal dolls. HOW FUN! *squeals* I dunno if it’s just because it’s halloweeny, or animal dolls seem […]
1/6th Scale / Dolls / Photostories October 20, 2003 21 years You musta done something good Because here’s a Kitty Psy for you. 😀
1/6th Scale / Dolls / Hair Styling October 20, 2003 21 years Tagged Volks Custom Doll, Xerxes Kitty Hair There you go. Xerxes’ hair do. The front looks uneven but that’s only because the hair that’s pulled across and tucked makes […]