Nothing doing…
=_= I sliced my finger open accidently on a pair of scissors. Until it heals, I can’t hold a paintbrush or anything since the cut is on the very tip of my finger. I didn’t feel that I even cut myself until I looked at it. It was actually pretty deep. =_=
Delays delays.
I tried to paint a neo head. She looked very scarily like the new Suzie doll that Rudi’s coming out with. Then I tried to change her and my finger started throbbing too much… and I messed her up =_=
I haven’t painted a neo head in a long time… I really like that head although with the molded eyes, I seem to only accomplish one eyeshape. And usually the eyes are so plain.
That’s unless I’m making an elf boy. But I’m not.
I’m bored. I want to paint. But stupid finger won’t let me. So I’m blabbing away in my journal. So sad.